​"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
Classes Offered
​Toddlers Class (1 & walking)
This is a very special and fast moving year for children. Being a young toddler is a very transitional time. They are changing quickly from being a very dependent baby to a walking, talking toddler. They are learning and exploring new things everyday. This is usually the time that they learn to drink from a cup and feed themselves. They can verbalize a lot more and sometimes decide that they want to do everything "by themselves". This age is when they begin learning valuable social skills. Learning how to share and take turns does not come naturally. They start by exhibiting parallel play interspersed with interactive play. While they are experiencing all of this new independence, sometimes frustrations arise and they may have temper tantrums, push, hit or bite their friends because they can't yet verbalize their feelings and wants. This is all normal and our experienced teachers know how to help the children through this exciting yet sometimes difficult time. We believe in working together with parents to make these transitions as easy on everyone as possible.
Two's Class (2-3 year olds)
Like the previous year, being two is another transitional time for children. They are changing quickly from being a very dependent baby to a big kid. This is usually the time that potty training begins, they learn to drink from a cup and feed themselves with a fork. At this age, we are able to introduce activities that require patience, such as sitting for circle time and standing in a line to walk to lunch. They can verbalize a lot more and are able to do a lot of things by themselves. While they are experiencing all of this new independence, sometimes frustrations arise and they may have temper tantrums, push, or hit their friends because they can't verbalize their feelings fast enough. This is all normal and our experienced teachers know how to help the children through this exciting yet sometimes difficult time We believe in working together with parents to make these transitions as easy on everyone as possible.
Three's Class (3-4 year olds)​
WOW!!! Three year old children are really on their way to becoming "big kids". They don't need diapers, bottles, or pacifiers anymore. They already know all about spoon feeding themselves and drinking from a cup. Three year olds are trying new foods and have definite opinions about what they like and don't like. This is the time that children learn about rules and why we need them. They are learning how to sit still for circle time, take turns at the water fountain, walk in a nice line, and work together to make something. Making friends and cooperative play is exhibited regularly at this age. Every day, they learn new things about the world around them as well as core academics. When school is interesting and fun, they are like little sponges soaking up all that we teach them. Our teachers understand that this an opportunity that needs to be cultivated, and work with parents to encourage this growth and build the children's self esteem.
Pre-K/VPK Class (4-5 year olds)
Kindergarten and the big kid school is right around the corner. Our 4 year old children are very excited during this year to be the "seniors" of their school They take great pride in learning more about academics and the world around them. They are learning reading and writing skills, as well as math, science and social studies. Children at this stage also love to be given responsibility and reminded that they are role models to the younger children. This will be one of only a few years that the children will get excited about bringing home "homework" so enjoy it while you can. Our teachers make sure that the children love their last year of preschool and are more than ready to take on kindergarten when they leave us. Our teachers work with parents and inform them of what to expect through VPK and going into kindergarten. We are partners in their success.